Is there a built-in function to print all the current properties and values of an object?
You want vars()
mixed with pprint()
from pprint import pprint
You are really mixing together two different things.
Use dir()
, vars()
or the inspect
module to get what you are interested in (I use __builtins__
as an example; you can use any object instead).
>>> l = dir(__builtins__)
>>> d = __builtins__.__dict__
Print that dictionary however fancy you like:
>>> print l
['ArithmeticError', 'AssertionError', 'AttributeError',...
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(l)
>>> pprint(d, indent=2)
{ 'ArithmeticError': <type 'exceptions.ArithmeticError'>,
'AssertionError': <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>,
'AttributeError': <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>,
'_': [ 'ArithmeticError',
Pretty printing is also available in the interactive debugger as a command:
(Pdb) pp vars()
{'__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <type 'exceptions.ArithmeticError'>,
'AssertionError': <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>,
'AttributeError': <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>,
'BaseException': <type 'exceptions.BaseException'>,
'BufferError': <type 'exceptions.BufferError'>,
'zip': <built-in function zip>},
'__file__': '',
'__name__': '__main__'}
def dump(obj):
for attr in dir(obj):
print("obj.%s = %r" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
There are many 3rd-party functions out there that add things like exception handling, national/special character printing, recursing into nested objects etc. according to their authors' preferences. But they all basically boil down to this.