Is there a CD icon/symbol for latex?

For simple icons, I would also use TikZ to draw my own icon (e.g. modelled on your link).

enter image description here


\draw[line width=.1ex] (0,0) circle(.8ex);
\draw[line width=.2ex] (0,0) circle(.2ex);
\draw[line width=.15ex] ([shift=(270:.5ex)]0,0) arc (270:340:.5ex);
\draw[line width=.15ex] ([shift=(90:.5ex)]0,0) arc (90:160:.5ex);


Billie Holiday, {\it Body and Soul}, Verve Records \disc

\Large {\it Body and Soul} (1957) \disc

\footnotesize Billie Holiday, {\it Body and Soul} (1957) \disc

\tiny Billie Holiday, {\it Body and Soul} (1957), Verve Records \disc


Completely impractical:

\clip circle [radius=0.25] [rounded corners=1cm] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
\fill [gray!10] circle [radius=1];
\foreach \i in {0,...,20}\foreach \r in {45, 135}
  \fill [white, opacity=0.1, rotate=\r] 
    (-\i:1) arc (-\i:\i:1) -- (180+\i:1) arc (180+\i:180-\i:1) -- cycle;
\clip circle [radius=0.3] [rounded corners=0.95cm] 
  (-.95,-.95) rectangle (.95,.95);
\fill [gray!20] circle [radius=1];
\foreach \i in {0,...,50}
  \fill [white, opacity=0.05, rotate=90] 
    (-\i:1) arc (-\i:\i:1) -- (180+\i:1) arc (180+\i:180-\i:1) -- cycle;
\foreach \i in {0,0.5, ..., 10}
  \foreach \c [count=\j from -4, evaluate={\a=\j*5-\i; \b=\j*5+5+\i;}] in
    {gray!50!white, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, gray!50!white}
      \fill [fill=\c!50, opacity=0.05] 
        (0:0) -- (\a:1) arc (\a:\b:1) -- (\b+180:1) arc (\b+180:\a+180:1) -- (0:0);
\foreach \i in {0,1, ..., 10}
  \foreach \c [count=\j from 16, evaluate={\a=\j*5-\i; \b=\j*5+5+\i;}] in
    {gray!25, white, white, white, gray!25}
      \fill [fill=\c, opacity=0.1] 
        (0:0) -- (\a:1) arc (\a:\b:1) -- (\b+180:1) arc (\b+180:\a+180:1) -- (0:0);
\fill [white, opacity=0.5] circle [radius=1];

enter image description here

You could built it with TikZ:


\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, text width=.8em, fill=black]{};
\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, text width=.42em, fill=white]{};
\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, text width=.32em, fill=black]{};
\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, text width=.1em, fill=white]{};

{\LARGE LARGE text: \mycd}

Normal text: \mycd

{\tiny tiny text: \mycd}


enter image description here

