Is there a command for creating an app using cookiecutter-django?

Cookiecutter Django renders a Django project, and included with the files is a module. If you have Django installed, you can just call python startapp <app_name> and it should just work.

For the sake of completeness, I would like to add that project-specific apps should go into the second level, also when using Cookiecutter Django.

There is a GitHub issue about this, where a project maintainer explains the situation.

What you should do is the following:

1 - create the <name-of-the-app> app with python startapp
2 - move <name-of-the-app> directory to <project_slug> directory
3 - edit <project_slug>/<name-of-the-app>/ and change name = "<name-of-the-app>" to name = "<project_slug>.<name-of-the-app>"
4 - add "<project_slug>.<name-of-the-app>.apps.<NameOfTheAppConfigClass>" to LOCAL_APPS in config/settings/