Is there a CSS selector for elements lacking an attribute?
The only solution that worked for me was to place a:link { }
within my code.
I also tried
But for a .scss file with multiple a tags used as standard code blocks (not my idea), this was the only solution.
For links you can simply use:
a { color: red; }
a:link { color: green; }
fiddle: no need for javascript.
For form attributes, use the not attribute pattern noted above input:not([type])
and if you need to support older versions of IE, I'd probably add a class and use an IE specific style sheet linked with conditional comments.
You can follow this pattern:
The attribute selector is used to select elements with the specified attribute.
is supported in all modern browsers and IE9+, if you need IE8 or lower support you're out of luck.
You can always set different style to a and a href
Check this: