Is there a fundamental theorem of algebra for matrices?
This is a compilation of answers given in comments by @darijgrinsberg and @dineshdileep, hence community wiki.
It's true for simultaneously diagonalizable matrices (and possibly other matrices?). It's also not true in general.
Recall that the product of simultaneously diagonalizable matrices $A$ and $B$, $AB$, is simultaneously diagonalizable with $A$ and with $B$. In general, any linear combination of arbitrary products of (possibly more than $2$) simultaneously diagonal matrices is simultaneously diagonalizable with all its components. So if all matrices $A_k$ are simultaneously diagonalizable, the problem is trivially solved by diagonalizing all the terms and applying the standard FTA.
Here is a counterexample for the general case:
\begin{equation*} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} z^2 + \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} = 0 \end{equation*}
If we could decompose this into linear factors, we'd have \begin{equation*} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} (zI - A)(zI - B) = z^2I - z (A + B) + AB \end{equation*} hence $A+B=0 \implies A=B$ so we require $AB=A^2=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$. But it is known that there are no square roots for that matrix.
When $n>1$, to write $\sum_{k=0}^n A_kz^k=0$ is generically non-sense. Indeed, that implies that the $(A_k)_k$ are linearly dependent over $\mathbb{C}$. More precisely, the previous equation is equivalent to say that $n^2$ complex polynomials have a common complex root, that is generically false when we consider only $2$ polynomials !!
EDIT. The correct question can be written as follows: let $(A_k)_{0\leq k\leq n})\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$; our problem: (*) can we factorize $\sum_{k=0}^n z^kA_k$ in the form $A_n \Pi_{i=1}^n (zI-X_i)$ where the $X_i\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ ? Of course, there are counter-examples; mathematicians have a great time when they find such results; the best known example is probably linked to the equation $X^2=U$; the mathematician people immediately says that this equation may have no solutions; yet, everybody knows that, for a generic $U$, this equation has always $2^n$ solutions ! Why not say it first? Mathematics are beautiful when they work.
Proposition. Assume that $n\leq 3$. For generic $(A_i)_i$, (*) has always $6$ simple solutions when $n=2$ and $1680$ simple solutions when $n=3$.
Remarks. 1. "Generically" is considered in the sense "Zariski open dense set" or in the probabilistic sense (the entries of the $(A_i)$ are iid complex that follow a normal law; the result is true with probability $1$). The results and definitions used or cited in this post are in my paper [1] (published in Linear Algebra and its Applications).
Clearly, we can also consider equations of degree $p$ in $M_n(\mathbb{C})$.
I wrote a proof only when $n\leq 3$; I think that the result can be generalized when $n>3$.
Proof. Since $A_n$ is generic, it is invertible and we may assume that it is $I$.
Case 1. $n=2$. $U,V$ are known generic matrices and the unkowns $X,Y$ satisfy $z^2I-Uz+V=(zI-X)(zI-Y)$, that is $U=X+Y,V=XY$; then $X^2-XU+V=0,Y=U-X$. The first previous equation is an unilateral equation of degree $2$ (a Riccati one) and (generically) admits $6$ solutions in $X$ and then, $6$ solutions in $(X,Y)$.
Case 2. $n=3$. $U,V,W$ are known generic matrices and the unkowns $X,Y,Z$ satisfy $z^3I-Uz^2+Vz-W=(zI-X)(zI-Y)(zI-Z)$, that is $U=X+Y+Z,V=XY+YZ+XZ,W=XYZ$; then $Z=U-X-Y$ and putting $K=XY,L=X+Y$, we obtain the system $V=K+L(U-L),W=K(U-L)$ in the unknowns $K,L$. Since $Z=U-L$, from $V(U-L)=W+L(U-L)^2$ we deduce (1) $Z^3-UZ^2+VZ-W=0$. Moreover, we can apply the previous result concerning $Z$ to the transpose of the equality (*); we obtain (2) $X^3-X^2U+XV-W=0$.
Equations (1) and (2) are unilateral and, consequently, have $\binom{3^2}{3}=84$ simple solutions $Z$ or $X$ (cf. Theorem 1 in [1]). Let $Z$ be a solution of (1). Then $X+Y=U-Z,XY=V-UZ+Z^2$ and $Y$ is solution of a unilateral equation of degree $2$. In all probability, $U-Z,V-UZ+Z^2$ are generic (and independent) and there are $\binom{2\times 3}{3}=20$ solutions $Y$. Finally, we obtain $20\times 84=1680$ solutions in $X,Y,Z$.