Is there a method to check if all array items are '0'?
I suppose you could use array_filter()
to get an array of all items that are non-zero ; and use empty()
on that resulting array, to determine if it's empty or not.
For example, with your example array :
$data = array(
'd'=>'0' );
Using the following portion of code :
$tmp = array_filter($data);
Would show you an empty array, containing no non-zero element :
array(0) {
And using something like this :
if (empty($tmp)) {
echo "All zeros!";
Would get you the following output :
All zeros!
On the other hand, with the following array :
$data = array(
'd'=>'0' );
The $tmp array would contain :
array(1) {
string(1) "1"
And, as such, would not be empty.
Note that not passing a callback as second parameter to array_filter()
will work because (quoting) :
If no callback is supplied, all entries of input equal to FALSE (see converting to boolean) will be removed.
How about:
// ditch the last argument to array_keys if you don't need strict equality
$allZeroes = count( $data ) == count( array_keys( $data, '0', true ) );
Use this:
$all_zero = true;
foreach($data as $value)
if($value != '0')
$all_zero = false;
echo "Got it";
echo "No";
This is much faster (run time) than using array_filter
as suggested in other answer.