Is there a PHP function for swapping the values of two variables?

There's no function I know of, but there is a one-liner courtesy of Pete Graham:

list($a,$b) = array($b,$a);

not sure whether I like this from a maintenance perspective, though, as it's not really intuitive to understand.

Also, as @Paul Dixon points out, it is not very efficient, and is costlier than using a temporary variable. Possibly of note in a very big loop.

However, a situation where this is necessary smells a bit wrong to me, anyway. If you want to discuss it: What do you need this for?


There isn't a built-in function. Use swap3() as mentioned below.


As many mentioned, there are multiple ways to do this, most noticable are these 4 methods:

function swap1(&$x, &$y) {
    // Warning: works correctly with numbers ONLY!
    $x ^= $y ^= $x ^= $y;
function swap2(&$x, &$y) {
    list($x,$y) = array($y, $x);
function swap3(&$x, &$y) {
function swap4(&$x, &$y) {
    extract(array('x' => $y, 'y' => $x));

I tested the 4 methods under a for-loop of 1000 iterations, to find the fastest of them:

  • swap1() = scored approximate average of 0.19 seconds.
  • swap2() = scored approximate average of 0.42 seconds.
  • swap3() = scored approximate average of 0.16 seconds. Winner!
  • swap4() = scored approximate average of 0.73 seconds.

And for readability, I find swap3() is better than the other functions.


  • swap2() and swap4() are always slower than the other ones because of the function call.
  • swap1() and swap3() both performance speed are very similar, but most of the time swap3() is slightly faster.
  • Warning: swap1() works only with numbers!



