Is there a pythonic way to sample N consecutive elements from a list or numpy array

Use itertools, specifically islice and cycle.

start = random.randint(0, len(Choice) - 1)
list(islice(cycle(Choice), start, start + n))

cycle(Choice) is an infinite sequence that repeats your original list, so that the slice start:start + n will wrap if necessary.

You could use a list comprehension, using modulo operations on the index to keep it in range of the list:

Choice = [1,2,3,4,5,6] 
X = 4 
N = 4
L = len(Choice)
Selection = [Choice[i % L] for i in range(X, X+N)]


[5, 6, 1, 2]

Note that if N is less than or equal to len(Choice), you can greatly simplify the code:

Choice = [1,2,3,4,5,6] 
X = 4 
N = 4
L = len(Choice)
Selection = Choice[X:X+N] if X+N <= L else Choice[X:] + Choice[:X+N-L]

Since you are asking for the most efficient way I created a little benchmark to test the solutions proposed in this thread.

I rewrote your current solution as:

def op(choice, x):
    n = len(choice)
    selection = []
    for i in range(x, x + n):
        selection.append(choice[i % n])
    return selection

Where choice is the input list and x is the random index.

These are the results if choice contains 1_000_000 random numbers:

chepner: 0.10840400000000017 s
nick: 0.2066781999999998 s
op: 0.25887470000000024 s
fountainhead: 0.3679908000000003 s

Full code

import random
from itertools import cycle, islice
from time import perf_counter as pc
import numpy as np

def op(choice, x):
    n = len(choice)
    selection = []
    for i in range(x, x + n):
        selection.append(choice[i % n])
    return selection

def nick(choice, x):
    n = len(choice)
    return [choice[i % n] for i in range(x, x + n)]

def fountainhead(choice, x):
    n = len(choice)
    return np.take(choice, range(x, x + n), mode='wrap')

def chepner(choice, x):
    n = len(choice)
    return list(islice(cycle(choice), x, x + n))

results = []
n = 1_000_000
choice = random.sample(range(n), n)
x = random.randint(0, n - 1)

# Correctness
assert op(choice, x) == nick(choice,x) == chepner(choice,x) == list(fountainhead(choice,x))

# Benchmark
for f in op, nick, chepner, fountainhead:
    t0 = pc()
    f(choice, x)
    t1 = pc()
    results.append((t1 - t0, f))

for t, f in sorted(results):
    print(f'{f.__name__}: {t} s')