Is there a short hand command to write derivatives?

You can use the esdiff package, which has handy macros for derivatives and partial derivatives, taking care of indices. Here is a demo;




     \diff{f}{x} &\qquad \diff*[4]{g}{t}{t = 1} \\[2ex]
     \diffp{f}{x} &\qquad\diffp{g}{tu}& & \qquad & \diffp*{g}{{t^2}{u^3}}{(0,0)}


enter image description here

Oh, you mean not symbol, but operator. There is physics, as stated by @Zarko.

  • \differential produces the variants of d: \dd x
  • \derivative yields the $df/dx$ in variants: \dv{x}, \dv{f}{x}
  • \partialderivative produces the partial symbol in derivaties a la carte, similar to \dv, use \pdv x, etc.
  • \variation and \functionalderivative are also there, e.g. \fdv{F}{g}.

It's all in the documentation on pages 5-6, say texdoc physics for the pdf.

Screenshot from the document.

enter image description here

There is also another important and easy package to write ordinary derivate and partial derivatives named derivative. I have added only some simple examples how to use this package where the d ("classical derivate") is written in roman.

enter image description here


\[\odv{f(x)}{x}, \qquad \odv[n]{f(x)}{x}, \qquad \pdv[\alpha,b,c]{f}{x,y,z}\]
\[\pdv{f}{x,y}, \qquad \odv{e^{\tan(x)}}{x}, \qquad \odv{\cos t}{t}_{t=0}^{}\]