Is there a utility to create blank images?

The convert command from ImageMagick can be used:

To create a 32x32 image with a white background:

convert -size 32x32 xc:white empty.jpg

To create a 32x32 image with a transparent background:

convert -size 32x32 xc:transparent empty2.png

You can use convert -size 123x456 xc:white x.png. convert is part of ImageMagick.

If you do not have ImageMagick installed, you can use a short Perl script:

use GD::Simple;
my $i = GD::Simple->new(32,32);
open my $out, '>', 'empty.png' or die;
binmode $out;
print $out $i->png;

Using Python:

from PIL import Image
img ='RGB', (32,32), color='white')'empty.png')