Is there a way of having something like jUnit Assert message argument in Mockito's verify method?

This does the trick (simple and clear):

try {
 verify(myMockedObject, times(1)).doSomthing();
} catch (MockitoAssertionError error) {
    throw new MockitoAssertionError("Was expecting a call to myMockedObject.doSomthing but got ", error);

This question is ancient, but Mockito v2.1.0+ now has a built-in feature for this.

verify(mock, description("This will print on failure")).someMethod("some arg");

You cannot do in mockito. Mockito syntax makes very easy to test expected behaviour, but it has no concept of test state.

What you're trying to do is to have some information that are not in the mocked object when the mocks fails expectations.

If you really want to do, I see 2 general ways: either you create your own verificationMode implementing the interface

public static interface VerificationMode

and adding a method like atLeastOnceMsd(String msg) that will show the message in case of failing or adding the current tested method in the model to the view object

for example with a similar line in the inner loop.

  view.setName("now we are testing " + method.getName());