Is there a way to declare multiple objects of the same type at once and initialize them immediately with the same rvalue by just one expression?

Technically, yes: int a = value, b = a;, or you might consider int a, b = a = value;. Without repeating identifiers, no, at least not in C; the grammar simply does not provide for it. Each ”declarator = initializer” in the grammar can declare only one object, per grammar production in C 2018 6.7.6 1 and explicit statement in 6.7.6 2: “Each declarator declares one identifier…”

As mentioned in a comment, here is a horrible way to do it in C++. I make no representations regarding C++’s rules about order of initialization in a single declaration, issues about threading, and so on. This is presented as an educational exercise only. Never use this in production code.

template<class T> class Sticky
    static T LastInitializer;   //  To remember last explicit initializer.
    T Value;                    //  Actual value of this object.

    //  Construct from explicit initializer.
    Sticky<T>(T InitialValue) : Value(InitialValue)
        { LastInitializer = InitialValue; }

    //  Construct without initializer.
    Sticky<T>() : Value(LastInitializer) {}

    //  Act as a T by returning const and non-const references to the value.
    operator const T &() const { return this->Value; }
    operator T &() { return this->Value; }

template<class T> T Sticky<T>::LastInitializer;

#include <iostream>

int main(void)
    Sticky<int> a = 3, b, c = 15, d;

    std::cout << "a = " << a << ".\n";
    std::cout << "b = " << b << ".\n";
    std::cout << "c = " << c << ".\n";
    std::cout << "d = " << d << ".\n";
    b = 4;
    std::cout << "b = " << b << ".\n";
    std::cout << "a = " << a << ".\n";


a = 3.
b = 3.
c = 15.
d = 15.
b = 4.
a = 3.

I think you want this:

int b=10, a=b;

Technically you can initialize several variables using structured binding available in C++17, but this is clearly a perversion: online compiler

#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

// tuple-like type
    ::std::size_t x_count
,   typename x_Value
> class
    private: x_Value && m_value;

    public: constexpr t_Pack(x_Value && value): m_value{::std::move(value)}

    public: template
        ::std::size_t x_index
    > constexpr auto
    get(void) noexcept -> x_Value &&
        return ::std::move(m_value);

// specializations to make structured bindings work
namespace std
        ::std::size_t x_count
    ,   typename x_Value
    > struct
    tuple_size<::t_Pack<x_count, x_Value>>
    :   public ::std::integral_constant<::std::size_t, x_count> 

        ::std::size_t x_index
    ,   ::std::size_t x_count
    ,   typename x_Value
    > struct
    tuple_element<x_index, ::t_Pack<x_count, x_Value>>
        public: using type = x_Value;

// helper
    ::std::size_t x_count
,   typename x_Value
> constexpr auto
pack(x_Value && value)
    return t_Pack<x_count, x_Value>{::std::move(value)};
auto [a, b, c, d, e] = pack<5>(10);