Is there a way to resize a window to specific sizes (eg.800x600, 1024x768..)?

You could write your own with AutoHotkey:

#=:: ; [Win]+[=]
    WinGet, window, ID, A
    InputBox, width, Resize, Width:, , 140, 130
    InputBox, height, Resize, Height:, , 140, 130
    WinMove, ahk_id %window%, , , , width, height


Before: 640 x 480


  1. Press Win+=.

  2. Enter a width:


  3. Enter a height:


After: 400 x 300


Note: To set a length to 0, you have to input 0. An empty value is ignored. For example, if you only want to resize the height, leave the width blank and enter a value for the height.

For the curious: 0 x 0


As you can see, a window with a title bar and controls has an absolute minimum size.

Check out Sizer ...

Sizer is a tiny freeware utility that gives you an easy and fast way to resize any window to an exact size. It could be a very useful tool for webmasters and web designers.

I suggest WinSize2.

  • Simple, fast, and easy to manage by using Alt++ And Alt+- keys to increase/decrease the size of the current window.
  • Working on any Windows version, or at least I have tested it on Windows XP, 7 and 8.
  • Free Software.


