Is there a way to see gifts you've sent on Steam?

There is absolutely a way to see who you have sent gifts to in the past:

  1. Click View > Inventory
  2. Then click Games > Manage Gifts and Guest Passes. This circumvents a user interface bug that often does not show the next dialogue.
  3. Click Pending Gifts
  4. Click View Gift History

enter image description here

Voila! You should be met with a screen that looks a little something like this:

enter image description here

You can still see your Steam Store Gift Transactions. All you need to do is view your account (at the top right corner) and then click on Store Transactions. Under the main box that contains your purchases, there is the Gift Transaction box. You can see the date, the item, the method of acquisition and the price. However, it does not seem like you can see who you gifted the different items to.

