Is there an ES6 function that will return an object containing property changes?

Doesn't have to be ES6, but you can implement it like this:

var object = {name: 'Fred', age: 20, weight: 100};
var object2 = {name: 'Fred', age: 21, weight: 120, height: 70};

function getChangesFromObjectTwo(source, target) {
  return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries({...source,})
        .filter(([key, value]) => ![key], value)));

// returns {age:21, weight: 120};
var changes = getChangesFromObjectTwo(object, object2);

Added properties also included

P.S. Using to bypass NaN problem

Assuming that keys are identical in both objects o1 and o2, you can just use Object.keys() with a a reduce() operation:

Object.keys(o2).reduce((a, k) => (o1[k] !== o2[k] && (a[k] = o2[k]), a), {});

Full snippet:

const object1 = {name:'Fred', age: 20, weight: 100};
const object2 = {name:'Fred', age: 21, weight: 120};

function getChanges(o1, o2) {
  return Object.keys(o2)
               .reduce((a, k) => (o1[k] !== o2[k] && (a[k] = o2[k]), a), {});

console.log(getChanges(object1, object2));

Or if you're working in an environment that supports Object.entries(), you can avoid a couple of lookups:

Object.entries(o2).reduce((a, [k, v]) => (o1[k] !== v && (a[k] = v), a), {});

Full snippet:

const object1 = {name:'Fred', age: 20, weight: 100};
const object2 = {name:'Fred', age: 21, weight: 120};

function getChanges(o1, o2) {
  return Object.entries(o2)
               .reduce((a, [k, v]) => (o1[k] !== v && (a[k] = v), a), {});

console.log(getChanges(object1, object2));

Object.assign does the opposite of what you want: it modifies an object based on an object listing changes.

There's no built-in function that does it, but you can easily implement your own.

For a single level depth observation, it should be enough to:

function getChangesFromObjectTwo(obj1, obj2){
  //Using Set to create an unique list
  return [ Set([
    .map(k => [k, obj1[k], obj2[k]])
    .filter(([, v1, v2]) => v1 !== v2)
    .reduce((acc, [k, , v]) => (
      acc[k] = v,
    ), {})

var object = {name:"Fred", age:20, weight: 100};
var object2 = {name:"Fred", age:21, weight: 120, height: 70};

console.log(getChangesFromObjectTwo(object, object2));