Is there anyway to #define CONSTANT on a solution basis?
I have another approach for doing this:
Edit global config file. For example in my case it's .netcf2.0 so it's
.Add the following line:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)CommonSettings.targets" Condition="exists('$(SolutionDir)CommonSettings.targets')" />
This is to tell MSBuild import the CommonSettings.targets if it's existed in your solution folder.
Create CommonSettings.targets under your solution folder.
For example to define ABC symbol:
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns=""> <PropertyGroup> <DefineConstants>$(DefineConstants);ABC</DefineConstants> </PropertyGroup> </Project>
You can actually use a variation on Ritch's approach with common project settings. Essentially you have to make a single change to the end of each project file in your solution:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(SolutionDir)' == '' or
'$(SolutionDir)' == '*undefined*'">
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)CommonSettings.targets" />
Then you can define CommonSettings.targets to contain the solution wide settings.
<Project xmlns=""
That's basically it unless you want to override or merge project settings already defined in each project. The link below discusses how to do this in some detail.