Issue on adding SSH key to GitHub

Simply follow these steps and you will set up your SSH key in no time:

  • Generate a new ssh key (or skip this step if you already have a key) ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your@email"

  • Once you have your key set in home/.ssh directory (or Users/<your user>.ssh under windows), open it and copy the content

How can I add the SSH key to the GitHub account?

  • Login to the GitHub account

  • Click on the rancher on the top right (Settings)

    GitHub account settings

  • Click on the SSH keys

    SSH key section

  • Click on the Add SSH key

    Add SSH key

  • Paste your key and save

And you are all set to go :-)

If you are using a Mac and are typing out GitHub's instructions (e.g. Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent, you're probably typing and only tabbing (e.g. auto-completing) to:

$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa

and not

$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

With the former you're actually copying, and trying to paste your private key.

I hope that saves you some time.

Another way to copy the public key to the clipboard:

clip < ~/.ssh/

ssh-keygen will generate you a pair of keys, one private and one public. It sounds like you uploaded the wrong one. GitHub wants the public key, typically here: ~/.ssh/