Iterate over $PATH variable using shell script

You can use read with delimiter set as :

while read -d ':' p; do
   echo "$p"
done <<< "$PATH:"

Simplest way is probably to change IFS to a colon and let the word splitting do it:

for p in $PATH ; do 
    echo "$p"

But that might trigger file name globbing, in the weird case that your PATH contained characters like *?[]. You'd need to use set -f to avoid that.

Though changing IFS might be considered problematic anyway, since it affects the rest of the script. So in Bash, we could just split the paths to an array with read -a, this doesn't have a problem with glob characters either:

IFS=: read -a paths <<< "$PATH"
for p in "${paths[@]}" ; do
    echo "$p"

with echo:

echo "${PATH//:/$'\n'}"


sed 's/:/\n/g' <<< "$PATH"


tr ':' '\n' <<< "$PATH"


python -c "import os; print os.environ['PATH'].replace(':', '\n')"

for iterate use for:

for i in ${PATH//:/ }; do echo $i; done