Iterating over a dictionary in python and stripping white space

In a dictionary comprehension (available in Python >=2.7):

clean_d = { k:v.strip() for k, v in d.iteritems()}

Python 3.X:

clean_d = { k:v.strip() for k, v in d.items()}


for k,v in item.items():
   item[k] = v.replace(' ', '')

or in a comprehensive way as suggested by monkut:

newDic = {k,v.replace(' ','') for k,v in item.items()}

What you should note is that lstrip() returns a copy of the string rather than modify the object. To actually update your dictionary, you'll need to assign the stripped value back to the item.

For example:

for k, v in your_dict.iteritems():
    your_dict[k] = v.lstrip()

Note the use of .iteritems() which returns an iterator instead of a list of key value pairs. This makes it somewhat more efficient.

I should add that in Python3, .item() has been changed to return "views" and so .iteritems() would not be required.