Jackson ignore all properties of superclass from external library
You can use a Mix-in or @JsonIgnoreProperties
For the purposes of these examples, the base ORM class and extension are assumed to be:
public class DbItem {
public String dbPropertyA;
public String dbPropertyB;
public class Person extends DbItem {
public String index;
public String firstName;
public String lastName;
Using a Mix-in
A Mix-in is an abstraction of the de/serialization instructions that Jackson understands from an object itself. It is a way to customize de/serialization of 3rd party classes. In order to define a Mix-in, an abstract class must be created and registered with the ObjectMapper
Example Mix-in Definition
public abstract class PersonMixIn {
@JsonIgnore public String dbPropertyA;
@JsonIgnore public String dbPropertyB;
@JsonIgnore public String index;
Registering the Mix-in
public void serializePersonWithMixIn() throws JsonProcessingException {
// set up test data including parent properties
Person person = makeFakePerson();
// register the mix in
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper()
.addMixIn(Person.class, PersonMixIn.class);
// translate object to JSON string using Jackson
String json = om.writeValueAsString(person);
If you want to avoid creating a class and configuring the ObjectMapper
, the @JsonIgnoreProperties
annotation can be utilized. Simply annotate the class you are serializing and list the properties to exclude.
Example Serializable Object
@JsonIgnoreProperties({"index", "dbPropertyA", "dbPropertyB"})
public class Person extends DbItem {
public String index;
public String firstName;
public String lastName;
See It In Action
public void serializePersonWithIgnorePropertiesAnnotation() throws JsonProcessingException {
// set up test data including parent properties
Person person = makeFakePerson();
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
// translate object to JSON string using Jackson
String json = om.writeValueAsString(person);