Java cannot compile generic lambda argument unless parameter type is specified

After looking around and reading the Java Language Specification here

I think there are two steps here:

First, the overloading resolution couldn't infer the type of identity((x) -> Boolean.TRUE) because it's implicit lambda, I think it's not taken into account for simplicity sake. Thus, it will widen the parameter search and use public static void assertTrue(Supplier<Boolean> booleanSupplier).

Second, after overloading resolution is done, type inference kicks in. This time it really check the inferred type which is a Boolean, and since it's not compatible with Supplier<Boolean> booleanSupplier, you get the compilation error.

Like previous answer, there are solutions to this,


Recreation.assertTrue(identity((x) -> () -> Boolean.TRUE));

I found a good explanation here: Java8: ambiguity with lambdas and overloaded methods