Java - Defining and accessing annotations?
Based on your example this code works well:
public class TestS1 {
public abstract class Client {
protected void synchronize() throws NoSuchMethodException {
// How can I get the Annotation defined on inheriting class?
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement lastStackElement = stackTraceElements[2];
// take attention here: stackTraceElements[
Method m = this.getClass().getMethod(lastStackElement.getMethodName(), String.class);
Cache annotation = m.getAnnotation(Cache.class);
System.out.println("Cache.minute = " + annotation.minute());
// synchronize data from server
also you need to mark your annotation with @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
@interface Cache {
int minute();
public class OrderClient extends Client {
@Cache(minute = 5)
public void synchronizrWithCustomerId(String customerId) throws NoSuchMethodException {
// So some stuff setup body and header
public void doTest() throws NoSuchMethodException {
OrderClient oc = new OrderClient();
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchMethodException {
TestS1 t = new TestS1();
Output is: Cache.minute = 5