Java: Sorted collection which allows duplicates, is memory efficient and provides fast insert + update

When you need a sorted collection, you should analyze your needs carefully.
If the majority of operations is inserting and only a few are to search then using a sorted collection i.e. keep the elements sorted in the collection constantly, would not be a good option (due to the overhead of keeping the elements sorted on insert which would be the most common operation).
In this case it would be best to keep an unsorted collection and do the sorting only when needed. I.e. before the search. You could even use a simple List and sort it (using Collections.sort i.e. mergesort) when needed. But I recommend this with caution, as for this to be efficient the assumption is that you work on large data. In really small data even linear search is good enough.

If the majority of operations is searching then you could use a sorted collection which from my of point of view there are data structures to choose from (some you already mention) and you could benchmark to see which one fits your needs.

What about guava TreeMultiset? What you asked for: a sorted collection which accepts duplicates. Don't know anything about its performance though.

I decided to roll my own but not the optimal solution just a TreeMap variant. I'll keep this updated if I'll fine tune this collection regarding memory. Speed is already a lot better then the previous PriorityQueue attempt as I needed the collection.remove(Object) method (for updating an entry):

package com.graphhopper.coll;

import gnu.trove.iterator.TIntIterator;
import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * A priority queue implemented by a treemap to allow fast key update. Or should we use a standard
 * b-tree?
public class MySortedCollection {

    private int size;
    private int slidingMeanValue = 20;
    private TreeMap<Integer, TIntHashSet> map;

    public MySortedCollection(int size) {
        map = new TreeMap<Integer, TIntHashSet>();

    void remove(int key, int value) {
        TIntHashSet set = map.get(value);
        if (set == null || !set.remove(key))
            throw new IllegalStateException("cannot remove key " + key + " with value " + value
                    + " - did you insert " + key + "," + value + " before?");
        if (set.isEmpty())

    public void update(int key, int oldValue, int value) {
        remove(key, oldValue);
        insert(key, value);

    public void insert(int key, int value) {
        TIntHashSet set = map.get(value);
        if (set == null)
            map.put(value, set = new TIntHashSet(slidingMeanValue));
//        else
//            slidingMeanValue = Math.max(5, (slidingMeanValue + set.size()) / 2);
        if (!set.add(key))
            throw new IllegalStateException("use update if you want to update " + key);

    public int peekValue() {
        if (size == 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("collection is already empty!?");
        Entry<Integer, TIntHashSet> e = map.firstEntry();
        if (e.getValue().isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalStateException("internal set is already empty!?");
        return map.firstEntry().getKey();

    public int peekKey() {
        if (size == 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("collection is already empty!?");
        TIntHashSet set = map.firstEntry().getValue();
        if (set.isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalStateException("internal set is already empty!?");
        return set.iterator().next();

    public int pollKey() {
        if (size < 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("collection is already empty!?");
        Entry<Integer, TIntHashSet> e = map.firstEntry();
        TIntHashSet set = e.getValue();
        TIntIterator iter = set.iterator();
        if (set.isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalStateException("internal set is already empty!?");
        int val =;
        if (set.isEmpty())
        return val;

    public int size() {
        return size;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return size == 0;

    public int getSlidingMeanValue() {
        return slidingMeanValue;

    public String toString() {
        return "size " + size + " min=(" + peekKey() + "=>" + peekValue() + ")";