Javascript and C# Cross Compiling and Conversion
Compile C# to Javascript
- SharpKit (site) - Write and debug C# 4.0, compile to JS
- Blade - Write C# and compile to JS, Interfaces for DOM, HTML, CSS
- ScriptSharp - Write C# and compile to JS, jQuery supported
- Saltarelle - Write C# 5.0 and compile to JS, LINQ, jQuery, NodeJS supported
- JSIL - Compile CIL bytecode to human-readable JS
- JSC - Compile CIL bytecode to JS, ActionScript, Java, PHP
Run Javascript in C#
- IronJS - Javascript on CLR/DLR Runtime, Ecmascript 3.0
- Jint - Javascript VM, Ecmascript 3.0
- Jurassic - Compiles JS into .NET CIL, ECMAScript 3 and ECMAScript 5
- MS JScript Engine - Legacy scripting Javascript engine
Run C# In Javascript
- Edge.js - Run C# code alongside Node.js, in-process
Compile C# code to Javascript in Visual Studio:
- DuoCode - Roslyn based compiler that transforms C# to javascript
JScriptSuite - compiles MSIL (C# or another .NET language) to JavaScript. Allows debug original .NET (C#) code, provides databind templates, remoting interfaces, controls