javascript copy rich text contents to clipboard
With modern browsers, if you want copy rich text only, there is a very easy solution without using any packages. See
Here is the source code from the fiddle
<button onclick="copyToClip(document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML)">
Copy the stuff
<div id=foo style="display:none">
This is some data that is not visible.
You can write some JS to generate this data.
It can contain rich stuff. <b> test </b> me <i> also </i>
<span style="font: 12px consolas; color: green;">Hello world</span>
You can use setData to put TWO COPIES into the same clipboard,
one that is plain and one that is rich.
That way your users can paste into either a
<li>plain text editor</li>
<li>or into a rich text editor</li>
the function
function copyToClip(str) {
function listener(e) {
e.clipboardData.setData("text/html", str);
e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", str);
document.addEventListener("copy", listener);
document.removeEventListener("copy", listener);
This tiny JS plugin copies richtext without using Flash:
It's based on - but it's an upgrade in my opinion, because the original only supports plain text.
The code is simple:
"text/html": "<i>Markup</i> <b>text</b>. Paste me into a rich text editor."
Well here is the deal most modern web browsers wont let you have access to the clip board. However like with everything there is a work around.
this is a js/flash plugin that lets you copy text to your clipboard.
(i believe you can use it for rich text.)