Javascript toFixed() is not a function

This is because val() returns a String rather than a Number. To be able to use toFixed(), do something like:

$(".amount-text").bind('change',function () { 
     $(this).val( (parseFloat($(this).val())).toFixed(2) );

or even:

$(".amount-text").bind('change',function () { 
     $(this).val( (new Number($(this).val())).toFixed(2) );

You may also be able to do it slightly more hackily as:

$(".amount-text").bind('change',function () { 
     $(this).val( (0 + $(this).val()).toFixed(2) );

but I don't recommend it for readability purposes!

toFixed only works on a number, parse the value to a number first:


.val() returns a string, to use .toFixed() on a number you'll need to parse it into a Number first, like this:

$(".amount-text").bind('change',function () { 

Or with jQuery 1.4+, a bit cleaner, at least to me use a function with .val():

$(".amount-text").bind('change',function () { 
     $(this).val(function(i, v) { return parseFloat(v).toFixed(2); });

You can give it a try here.