Jenkins job using Gradle can't find executable
Finally figured it out. I needed to update my jenkins job to use the Gradle wrapper instead of a specific Gradle version. Once I did that I had a few more errors to sift through but they were all very informative and gave me the information I needed to resolve them.
I downloaded the Gradle. Extracted to some place.
In Jenins > Manage Jenkins > Gradle
Unchecked the install automatic.
Set the path to gradle home, (Ex: C:\Graddle\gradle-2.1).
Probelm resolved.
For Jenkins running on linux:
download gradle zip file
cd /opt/
visit jenkins website
Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Gradle > Gradle installations
uncheck Install automatically, set 2.10 to name, set /opt/gradle-2.10 to GRADLE_HOME.
click your job
Configure > Build > Invoke Gradle script
select Invoke Gradle, select 2.10 in Gradle Version dropdown list.