JPA Static Metamodel not recognized by IntelliJ
To get IntelliJ IDEA to recognize the generated classes, I had to add this line on build.gradle
sourceSets { += 'build/generated/source/apt/main'
Better solution is to modify IntelliJ Plugin
idea {
module {
sourceDirs += file("build/generated/source/apt/main")
generatedSourceDirs += file("build/generated/source/apt/main")
By default, the metamodel classes get generated into the /target/generated-sources/annotations
folder. It seems like that folder isn't registered as a source folder.
You can either change that manually in your IDE or if you're using a Maven build, you can do that automatically by adding the following plugin to your build configuration:
I explained that in more details in one of my Hibernate Tips.
I'm not allowed to comment but I wanted to add to Thorben Janssen's answer. Besides the plugin config I also had to add this to the dependencies of the project:
This is what generates the sources in the target/generated-sources/annotations path.
So the pom ended up like this: