JPEG image with wrong colors
I had similar problems, the BufferedImage
returned is a rendition based if there is transparent pixel, which will be set true for most png/gif type of files. But when converting to jpeg this flag should be set to false. You need possibly to write a method, where the conversion is properly handled. i.e.:
public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image image) {
Otherwise that "marunish" overtone becomes the saved result. :)
I had a similar problem.I had to use:
Image image = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(path);
instead of
Image image = File(path));
I found a solution now, that works, at least if my resulting image is also a JPEG: First I read the image (from byte array imageData), and most important, I also read the metadata.
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData));
Image src = null;
Iterator<ImageReader> it = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType("image/jpeg");
ImageReader reader =;
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(is);
reader.setInput(iis, false, false);
src =;
IIOMetadata imageMetadata = reader.getImageMetadata(0);
Now i'd do some converting (i.e. shrink in size) ... and at last I'd write the result back as a JPEG image. Here it is most important to pass the metadata we got from the original image to the new IIOImage
Iterator<ImageWriter> iter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByMIMEType("image/jpeg");
ImageWriter writer =;
ImageWriteParam iwp = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
ImageOutputStream imgOut = new MemoryCacheImageOutputStream(out);
IIOImage image = new IIOImage(destImage, null, imageMetadata);
writer.write(null, image, iwp);
Unfortunately, if I'd write a PNG image, I still get the wrong colors (even if passing the metadata), but I can live with that.
I was running into this issue, and I actually found a third party library that handled this for me.
Literally all I had to do was include this in my maven dependencies and the jpegs that were coming out in weird colors started getting read in normally. I didn't even have to change a line of code.