jQuery Toggle Text?
$(function() {
$("#show-background").click(function () {
$("#content-area").animate({opacity: 'toggle'}, 'slow');
var text = $('#show-background').text();
text == "Show Background" ? "Show Text" : "Show Background");
Toggle hides or shows elements. You could achieve the same effect using toggle by having 2 links and toggling them when either is clicked.
The most beautiful answer is... Extend jQuery with this function...
toggleText: function(a, b){
return this.text(this.text() == b ? a : b);
<button class="example"> Initial </button>
$(".example").toggleText('Initial', 'Secondary');
I've used the logic ( x == b ? a : b ) in the case that the initial HTML text is slightly different (an extra space, period, etc...) so you'll never get a duplicate showing of the intended initial value
(Also why I purposely left spaces in the HTML example ;-)
Another possibility for HTML toggle use brought to my attention by Meules [below] is:
toggleHtml: function(a, b){
return this.html(this.html() == b ? a : b);
<div>John Doe was an unknown.<button id='readmore_john_doe'> Read More... </button></div>
'Read More...',
'Until they found his real name was <strong>Doe John</strong>.')
(or something like this)
Sorry the problem is me! the was out of sync but this was because I have the HTML text the wrong way around. On the first click I want the div to fade out and the text to say "Show Text".
Will check more thoroughly next time before I ask!
My code is now:
$(function() {
$("#show-background").toggle(function (){
$("#content-area").animate({opacity: '0'}, 'slow')
$("#show-background").text("Show Text")
}, function(){
$("#content-area").animate({opacity: '1'}, 'slow')
$("#show-background").text("Show Background")
Thanks again for the help!