jqueryUI Sortable: handling .disableSelection() on form inputs

solved . bit of hack but works! .. any comments how i can do this better?

apply .sortable() and then enable text-selection on input fields :

  stop: function () {
    // enable text select on inputs
     .bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {

// enable text select on inputs
 .bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {

A little improvement from post of Zack - jQuery Plugin

    preventDisableSelection: function(){
        return this.each(function(i) {
            $(this).bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function(e) {

And full solution is:

  stop: function () {
    // enable text select on inputs

// enable text select on inputs

jQuery UI 1.9

$("#list selector").bind('click.sortable mousedown.sortable',function(e){

selector = input, table, li....