js find object in nodeList?

I'm not sure if this will search beyond the first level of the NodeList, but you can use this expression recursively to traverse it and check if the element 'obj' is in the NodeList 'nodes'.

[].indexOf.call(nodes, obj)

I did something like this:

Array.prototype.find.call(style.childNodes, function(child) {
  if(child.textContent.includes(drawer.id)) {

Seems to work. Then child is another html node, which you can manipulate however you like.

I don't think there's a built-in DOM method for that. You'd need to recursively traverse your NodeList, and check for equality with your element. Another option is to use Element.querySelectorAll on each first-level elements from your NodeList (looking for your element's id, for example). I'm not sure how (inn)efficient that would be, though.