JSON+Javascript/jQuery. How to import data from a json file and parse it?

An example how to do this could be:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
                $('ul').append('<li>'+emp.firstName+' '+emp.lastName+'</li>');

You can simply include a Javascript file in your HTML that declares your JSON object as a variable. Then you can access your JSON data from your global Javascript scope using data.employees, for example.


  <script src="data.js"></script>


var data = {
  "employees": [{
    "firstName": "Anna",
    "lastName": "Meyers"
  }, {
    "firstName": "Betty",
    "lastName": "Layers"
  }, {
    "firstName": "Carl",
    "lastName": "Louis"

Your JSON file does not contain valid JSON. Try the following instead.

             "firstName": "Anna",
             "lastName": "Meyers"
             "firstName": "Betty",
             "lastName": "Layers"
             "firstName": "Carl",
             "lastName": "Louis"

You should then see a response. Check out http://jsonlint.com/