Junit assert OR condition in my test case

You can use Hamcrest matchers to get a clearer error message here:

int i = 2;
assertThat(i, Matchers.either(Matchers.is(3)).or(Matchers.is(5))


int i = 2;
assertThat(i, Matchers.anyOf(Matchers.is(3),Matchers.is(5)));

This will more clearly explain:

Expected: (is <3> or is <5>)
     but: was <2>

showing exactly the expectation and the incorrect value that was provided.

While Harmcrest matchers can do the job, these constants can be easily refactored to a more meaninful constant, like a list of valid values. Then you can use the contains method to check that the value is present in the list - IMO is also easier to read:

public class Foo {
    public static final List<Integer> VALID_VALUES = Arrays.asList(3, 5);

public void testName() {
    int i = 5;

In my case I wanted to do some complex assertion logic, so I simply implemented a method that returns a boolean and it did the job, the way it would be implemented in this example is as follows:

private Boolean is3or5(Integer val) {
    if(val == 3 || val == 5) {
        return true;
    return false;

Then do the assertion:


Of course the method can contain more complex logic if needed

ive tried to write quick test:

public void testName() {
    int i = 5;
    junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(i == 3 || i == 5);


its passing always so i guess there is some inbetween code when your value is changed. You can use

org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(5, i);

to check value - this assertion will print out nice info whats wrong, for example:

Expected :4
Actual   :5