Kerberos authentication in Node.js https.get or https.request
In Paul Scheltema's answer, you need to get ticketdata from depth of operating system. You (or a module on behalf of you) must use GSS-API to have ticketdata generated by Active Directory for you.
Such mechanism is present in Chrome, but it seems that it's not included in Node.js (only the javascript engine from Chrome), so you may need to add a module, for example:
- Passport-Kerberos: and
- Kerberos (npm install kerberos)
- In source code of Node.js at github there's a trace that someone has been using Bones module for that ( 3 years ago, with DES (this encoding type is very weak and has been deprecated for years)
To install/compile such module you may need to have Visual Studio.
To set up environment, - On all computers you must have tcp and udp enabled on ports 88 (Kerberos) and 53 (dns). - On Windows Server Active Directory must be running (ldap, dns, kdc) - On the page they use term REALM. It's a name of domain, written uppercase.
Client Token Location for Message-Level Standards: The Kerberos Service ticket can either be sent in the Authorization HTTP header or inside the message itself, for example, inside a element. Alternatively, it may be contained within a message attribute. Select one of the following options:
so instead of your username:password you provide the ticket
alternatively you can as stated below that information put it in the message body or as a message attribute
var request = https.request(options, function(resource) {
var chunks = [];
resource.on('data', function (chunk) {
resource.on('end', function () {
var data = chunks.join('');
the "" part was my example of where to use the ticket, put it in a multiytype body and send that, alternatively use the WWW-Authenticate header to send it
eg. add it to the options on https.request
options = {
host: 'hostname',
port: 443,
'WWW-Authenticate': 'Negotiate ' + ticketdata
google has some nice diagrams on how it works:
I have gotten this to work using "kerberos" module, version 0.0.12. I have created a Gist with the working example:
Basically, you use three methods to obtain the "Authorization" header data:
- authGSSClientInit, which requires the service name, e.g.
- authGSSClientStep, which requires the existence of a credentials cache (on Linux you get this by doing "kinit" and can verify it with "klist"), and actually gives you back the base64 stuff you need (without the leading "Negotiate " string)
- authGSSClientClean, which frees all allocated memory structures
Then you create an "Authorization" header (NOT WWW-Authenticate as shown above, which is what the server sends back) and it should work.
Note also: typically, web browsers request a resource, get a 401 back with a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate header in the response, then re-request the resource with the ticket data supplied in the "Authorization" header. This two-step dance happens for every resource. I'm not sure if it means anything or not.
If you are on Windows, you can use the SSPI interface. It is exposed on Node with the project node-expose-sspi
The SSPI interface allows you to write any client or server using SSO (NTLM and Kerberos).
Note: I am the author of node-expose-sspi.