Keycloak templates available variables

You can look for the template providers in Keycloak's code.

All the templates are "ftl" files filled with a map called "attributes". Keycloak has a couple of classes which fill those templates with Beans depending on the page or action as CharlyP mentioned. For example:

  • FreeMarkerEmailTemplateProvider class fills the email templates.
  • FreeMarkerLoginFormsProvider class fills the login templates.

I did not find any easy to use documentation but I found the Keycloak Javadocs which can be helpful when you look for the *Bean classes of this documentation. These classes seem to be the ones available in most of the templates. And their public methods will match the available properties you can use in the templates.

For example: You want to know the properties available for the variable url you can check the class UrlBean in the documentation and you will find for example a method getLoginUrl. This means you can access the property url.loginUrl.

That's all I could find for the time being. Hope it will be helpful...

