lambda expressions are not supported at this language level IDEA
I had to do a few things to get rid of this problem.
- File > Project Structure > Project > Project SDK: Change it to Java 1.8.XX
- File > Project Structure > Project > Language Level: SDK 8 (in my case SDK default was already 8)
- File > Project Structure > Modules > Sources > SDK 8 (in my case SDK default was already 8)
- File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler > Project bytecode version > 1.8
- File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler > Per-module bytecode version > Target bytecode version > 1.8
That should do the trick.
the answer is the following: I had to change the language level not only in project structure->project but in project structure-> modules too.
If you are use Android Studio version 3.2.1 ,you can change the language level using below mention steps:
- Go to project structure
- Under modules section,click on app.
- In the properties tab, change the Source Compatibility to 1.8.