Laravel PackageManifest.php line 131: Undefined index: name

This was actually fixed in Laravel already, so please make sure you update Laravel to at least 6.18.7+ or 7.6.0+ or 8.0+

FYI, if you remove composer local file, it will update all your dependencies, so it's not a good idea.

By running the command composer update laravel/framework should hopefully fix the issue and not cause any other problems. If you can not update Laravel then you better off downgrade to Composer 1 using composer self-update --1.

If you are using illuminate/foundation instead of laravel/framework, then make sure you composer update illuminate/foundation instead.

First, you should check again version after using composer self-update. Then, you try composer update. Finally, you run php artisan serve.

The issue is one of the Laravel default vendor packages has a small bug.

The solution to fix this is the following:

rm -rf composer.lock
rm -rf vendor
composer install

This will update the composer packages to the latest versions for your current version of laravel and this should resolve the issue.