laravel request validation rules pass parameter
You can get the resolved binding from request
$product = $this->route('product');
Inside your rules
method you can get the product instance with the above method.
public function rules()
$product = $this->route('product');
return [
'name' => 'required|max:255|unique:products,name'.$product->id,
'description' => 'required',
'price' => 'required|numeric|max:500',
'stock' => 'required|max:6',
'discount' => 'required:max:2'
This is how I would validate unique product name on update. I pass the product ID as a route parameter, the use the unique
validation rule to validate that it the product name does't exist in the Database except for this product (id).
class ProductController extends Controller {
public function update(Request $request, $id) {
$this->validate($request, [
'name' => 'required|max:255|unique:products,name'.$id,
// ...