LaTeX and graphviz: "no room for a new \write"

The package was obviously never tried by its author for anything but trivia.

To put it right, change


in the package to


(i.e., move the \newwrite out of the command). Some lines below, remove the \newwrite\dotfile line from the definition of \graph.

FWIW, you're right; there is no way to increase the number of \write streams. and of course, using TikZ is a good alternative, so carry on with that if it suits you.

You could use the morewrites packages:

Basically, all you need to do is to add the line


somewhere near the beginning of your document and the "No more room for a new \write" error should disappear.

With pgf/tikZ you could evade this problem.


  This is a state machine:

    node distance=2cm,
    on grid,
    \node[state] (A)              {A};
    \node[state] (B) [right of=A] {B};
    \path[->] (A) edge node {0} (B);

The package manual has the details. There is also a specific example gallery.

enter image description here