Latex "element of with two strokes" (⋹)

Here's one option using \ooalign:



A\in B

A\Inn B


The result:

enter image description here

And if you need it for the different math styles:




A\in B\quad{\textstyle A\in B}\quad  L_{A\in B}\quad  M_{L_{A\in B}}

A\Inn B\quad{\textstyle A\Inn B}\quad  L_{A\Inn B}\quad M_{L_{A\Inn B}}


enter image description here

It's Unicode symbol U+22F9 "Element of with two horizontal strokes": ⋹.

When LuaTeX or XeTeX is used, then the symbol is available with the following fonts:

  • Asana Math

    \[ A \isinE B \]

    Result Asana Math

  • XITS Math


    Result XITS Math

  • The Latin Modern Math or TeX Gyre Math fonts do not have the symbol.

This uses a stack, and will work in all mathstyles.


A\in B

A\Inn B\quad
\scriptstyle A\Inn B\quad
\scriptscriptstyle A\Inn B

enter image description here