Lazy form of Tuples/Outer to loop over list of lists

The implementation of lazy tuples here pretty much contains the solution to the lazy Outer problem. I will take the relevant parts from that code.

The following code constructs a function take, which would, given the start and end positions in the flat list of the resulting combinations, extract the elements:

next[{left_, _}, dim_] := 
  {left - dim*(# - 1), #} &[IntegerPart[(left - 1)/dim] + 1];

multiDims[dims_] := Rest @ Reverse @ FoldList[Times, 1, Reverse @ dims];

multiIndex[pos_, dims : {__Integer}] :=
   Rest@FoldList[next, {pos, 0}, multiDims@dims][[All, 2]]

take[lists : {__List}, {start_, end_}] :=
  With[{rend = Min[end, Times @@ Map[Length, lists]]},
    Transpose @ MapThread[
        {lists, multiIndex[Range[start, rend], Length /@ lists]}

For example,

take[{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, {3, 7}] == Tuples[{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}][[3 ;; 7]]

(* True *)

The difference is of course, that take only computes those elements that have been requested, so can be used as a basis for a lazy implementation.

Here is then an implementation of an iterator, that would return consecutive combinations in chunks of specified length:

makeTupleIterator[lists:{__List}, chunkSize_Integer?Positive]:=
  With[{len=Times @@ Length /@ lists},
    Module[{ctr = 0},          
      If[ctr >= len,
        (* else *)
        With[{taken = take[lists,{ctr+1, Min[ctr+chunkSize,len]}]},
          ctr += Length[taken];

Here is an example: we construct an iterator with the chunk size of 10 elements:

iter = makeTupleIterator[{{"11", "12", "13"}, {"21", "22"}, {"31"}, {"41", "42"}}, 10];

Now we use it:




(* {{"13", "22", "31", "41"}, {"13", "22", "31", "42"}} *)


(* {} *)

When we get an empty list, this tells us that the iterator has been exhausted.

This basically implements lazy tuples, and therefore also lazy Outer, more or less. You gain efficiency by picking large enough chunks, since chunk extraction (take function) is pretty fast, compared to the top-level iteration that would be needed to extract element by element.


Here is a refinement of @Leonid's approach that is a bit faster. The basic idea is to create a TuplesFunction that encapsulates the tuples information, and can be applied to Part type specs. That is, instead of using:


you would use:

tf = TuplesFunction[lists];


The goal is to make TuplesFunction[__] as small as possible, and TuplesFunction[__][part] as fast as possible.


As described in other answers, it is possible to make a function that takes an integer index and the lengths of the lists, and returns the indices of the lists needed to construct the corresponding tuple. The built-in functions that can do this are NumberDecompose and IntegerDigits with MixedRadix. However, since this is a function that accepts an integer (the index) and a list of integers (the lengths of the lists), and returns a list of integers (the indices of each list needed to construct the tuple), we can use Compile:

decompose = Compile[{{n, _Integer}, {d, _Integer, 1}},
    Module[{c=n, q},
            q = Quotient[c, i];
            c = Mod[c, i];
            {i, d}

The function decompose is modeled after NumberDecompose hence the second argument should be a basis, as described in the NumberDecompose documentation. Here is a check between decompose and NumberDecompose:

decompose[103, {49, 7, 1}]
NumberDecompose[103, {49, 7, 1}]

{2, 0, 5}

{2, 0, 5}

and a little speed comparison:

r1 = decompose[Range[10,100], {49, 7, 1}];//RepeatedTiming
r2 = NumberDecompose[#, {49, 7, 1}]& /@ Range[10, 100]; //RepeatedTiming

r1 === r2

{0.000029, Null}

{0.0019, Null}


So, compilation definitely helps here. Now, rather than relying on the Listable attribute to get decompose to work with lists of integers, it is possible to create a compiled function that accepts lists:

decomposeList = Compile[{{n, _Integer, 1}, {d, _Integer, 1}},
    Module[{c=n, q},
            q = Quotient[c, i];
            c = Mod[c, i];
            {i, d}

Let's compare the two compiled functions:

r1 = decompose[Range[1000], {10000, 100, 1}]; //RepeatedTiming
r2 = decomposeList[Range[1000], {10000, 100, 1}]; //RepeatedTiming

r1 === Transpose[r2]

{0.000089, Null}

{0.000057, Null}


Even faster, although the returned result is transposed. This actually turns out to be a good thing.

Index decomposition to tuple

Next, we need to convert the list of indices into a tuple. In the following examples I use the lists {Range[10], Range[5], Range[7]} so that tuples extraction is obvious. For a single list of indices, we can use MapThread:

MapThread[Part, {{Range[10], Range[5], Range[7]}, {2, 4, 3}}]

{2, 4, 3}

If we have multiple lists of indices, we can use MapThread again, but this time we need to transpose first:

Transpose @ MapThread[
        {Range[10], Range[5], Range[7]},
        Transpose[{{2,4,3}, {5,2,3}, {7,1,2}}]

{{2, 4, 3}, {5, 2, 3}, {7, 1, 2}}

Span support

One final enhancement. It would be nice to use Span in the definition of TuplesFunction. To do this, we need a way to convert a Span specification to a list of indices. Here is a function to do this:

toList[Span[a_, b_, c_:1], max_] := With[
    x = Replace[a, {All->1, UpTo[x_]:>Min[x,max]}],
    y = Replace[b, {All->max, -1->max, UpTo[x_]:>Min[x,max]}]

    Range[x, y, Replace[c, {All -> If[x<=y, 1, -1], Except[_Integer]->1}]]

A few examples:

toList[1 ;; ;; 2, 10]
toList[UpTo[13] ;; -1, 20]
toList[UpTo[23] ;; UpTo[8], 20]
toList[UpTo[23] ;; UpTo[8] ;; All, 20]

{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

{13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}


{20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8}


Those are the pieces we need to use in the TuplesFunction definition. The following code block is complete. It has all the definitions for TuplesFunction as well as a summary box format and the earlier definitions for decompose, decomposeList and toList;

TuplesFunction[lists_] := With[{lens = Length /@ lists},
        Reverse @ FoldList[Times, 1, Reverse @ Rest @ lens]

TuplesFunction[lists_, basis_][index_Integer] := With[
    {decomp = 1 + decompose[index-1, basis]},

    MapThread[Part, {lists, decomp}]

TuplesFunction[lists_, basis_][indices:{__Integer}] := With[
    {decomp = 1 + decomposeList[indices-1, basis]},

    Transpose @ MapThread[Part, {lists, decomp}]

TuplesFunction[lists_, basis_][span_Span] := With[
    {r = toList[span, Times @@ Length /@ lists]},

    TuplesFunction[lists, basis][r]

MakeBoxes[t:TuplesFunction[lists_List, ___], StandardForm] ^:= Module[

            BoxForm`MakeSummaryItem[{"Count: ",Times@@lens}, StandardForm],
            BoxForm`MakeSummaryItem[{"Length: ", lens}, StandardForm]

decompose = Compile[{{n, _Integer}, {d, _Integer, 1}},
    Module[{c=n, q},
            q = Quotient[c, i];
            c = Mod[c, i];
            {i, d}

decomposeList = Compile[{{n, _Integer, 1}, {d, _Integer, 1}},
    Module[{c=n, q},
            q = Quotient[c, i];
            c = Mod[c, i];
            {i, d}

toList[Span[a_, b_, c_:1], max_] := With[
    x = Replace[a, {All->1, UpTo[x_]:>Min[x,max]}],
    y = Replace[b, {All->max, -1->max, UpTo[x_]:>Min[x,max]}]

    Range[x, y, Replace[c, {All -> If[x<=y, 1, -1], Except[_Integer]->1}]]

Here is an example:

tf = TuplesFunction[{Range[4], Range[2], Range[3]}]

r1 = Tuples[{Range[4], Range[2], Range[3]}][[5 ;; 15]];
r2 = tf[5 ;; 15];

r1 === r2

TuplesFunction[{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}}, {6, 3, 1}]


Here is a timing comparison between using Tuples and TuplesFunction:

r1 = Tuples[{Range[100], Range[100], Range[100]}]; //RepeatedTiming

tf = TuplesFunction[{Range[100], Range[100], Range[100]}]
r2 = tf /@ Partition[Range[10^6], 1000]; //RepeatedTiming

r1 === Flatten[r2, 1]

{0.0066, Null}

TuplesFunction[CompressedData[" 1:eJzt0bVCQgEAQNFnYwN2oIKY2N1gYyt2Kzrr/2+cxdkfeMMZ7nyTxd/CT3kQ BBV8U8ZfV1JFNTVEqKWOehpopIlmosSI00IrbbTTQSdddNNDLwn66GeAJCkG STPEMCOMMsY4GSaYZIppZphljnkWWGSJZVZYZY11Nthkiyw5ttlhlz32OeCQ PEccc8IpZ5xzwSVXFLjmhlvuuOeBR5545oVX3njng0+KfIU/wh/hj39/lADu ED1K "], {10000, 100, 1}]

{0.11, Null}


A little over an order of magnitude slower than just using Tuples, but the memory footprint is far less. Here is a memory comparison:

r1 = Total @ Tuples[{Range[100], Range[100], Range[100]}]; //MaxMemoryUsed

r2 = Sum[Total @ tf[ Span[1000l + 1, 1000(l+1)] ], {l, 0, 999}]; //MaxMemoryUsed

r1 === r2




One final example:

tf = TuplesFunction[{Range[10^4], Range[10^4], Range[10^4]}];

tf[10^9 -10 ;; 10^9 + 10] //AbsoluteTiming

{0.000086, {{10, 10000, 9990}, {10, 10000, 9991}, {10, 10000, 9992}, {10, 10000, 9993}, {10, 10000, 9994}, {10, 10000, 9995}, {10, 10000, 9996}, {10, 10000, 9997}, {10, 10000, 9998}, {10, 10000, 9999}, {10, 10000, 10000}, {11, 1, 1}, {11, 1, 2}, {11, 1, 3}, {11, 1, 4}, {11, 1, 5}, {11, 1, 6}, {11, 1, 7}, {11, 1, 8}, {11, 1, 9}, {11, 1, 10}}}

Also you can use this simple "trick" :

given you example list :

a = {{"11", "12", "13"}, {"21", "22"}, {"31"}, {"41", "42"}};

the corresponding 12 (3x2x1x2) unique combinations correspond also to the unique 12combinations of the elements position in their respective list:

enter image description here

(for example here above, for the entry #9, 13 is at position 3in the {"11", "12", "13"} list, 21 is at position 1 in its list, ...).

and, these combinations of the positions is another way to write the integers [1-12] in the base form {3,2,1,2} (* Length/@a *).

For example for entry #9:

IntegerDigits[9 - 1, MixedRadix[Length /@ a]] + 1

{3, 1, 1, 1}

In other words, given the unique integer entry, you get directly the corresponding combination of the elements.

Then we can write the function you need,

take[alist_, {start_, end_}] := 
 Table[PadLeft[IntegerDigits[n, MixedRadix[Length /@ alist]], 
     Length@alist], {n, start - 1, end - 1}] // 
   Map[Thread[List[Range@Length@alist, 1 + #]] &] // 
  Apply[Part[alist, ##] &, #, {2}] &

take[alist_] := take[alist, {1, Times @@ Length /@ alist}]

and for example :

take[a, {4, 6}] // TableForm
 {"11", "22", "31", "42"},
 {"12", "21", "31", "41"},
 {"12", "21", "31", "42"}
take[{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, {3, 7}] == Tuples[{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}][[3 ;; 7]]
