Leaflet Awesome-Markers (Adding Numbers)

Instead of using the Awesome-Markers plugin, you could follow this article on creating numbered markers in Leaflet:


The associated Gist is here:


An simple example of how this would work is as follows:

// The text could also be letters instead of numbers if that's more appropriate
var marker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng(0, 0), {
    icon:   new L.NumberedDivIcon({number: '1'})

Another strategy is to use the Leaflet.ExtraMarkers plugin

Code the numeric marker with these options:

var numMarker = L.ExtraMarkers.icon({
icon: 'fa-number',
number: 12,
markerColor: 'blue'
L.marker([41.77, -72.69], {icon: numMarker}).addTo(map);

I have tried Numbered Markers plugin, but it icon is not pretty as other Awesome Markers, and make page layout style inconsistent, so I made small changes in Awesome-Markers plugin to make it support numbers. It is very simple.

  1. this is Numbered Markers plugin effect, if you like it please skip my answer. enter image description here

  2. change leaflet.awesome-markers.js line 2, add html:""

    L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon = L.Icon.extend({
    options: {
        iconSize: [35, 45],
        iconAnchor:   [17, 42],
        popupAnchor: [1, -32],
        shadowAnchor: [10, 12],
        shadowSize: [36, 16],
        className: 'awesome-marker',
        prefix: 'glyphicon',
        spinClass: 'fa-spin',
        extraClasses: '',
        icon: 'home',
        markerColor: 'blue',
        iconColor: 'white',
        html : ""
  3. change leaflet.awesome-markers.js line 80,

    return "<i " + iconColorStyle + "class='" + options.extraClasses + " " 
    + options.prefix + " " + iconClass + " " + iconSpinClass + " " 
    + iconColorClass + "'>" + options.html + "</i>";
  4. when creating icon, call like before

    var jobMarkerIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({
    icon: '',
    markerColor: 'darkblue',
    prefix: 'fa',
    html: (i+1)
  5. comment out line 45 and 47.

  6. the result is like below screenshot. enter image description here

  7. code changes diff shows below. enter image description here