Let's draw Mona Lisa

Excel VBA 32-Bit, 1011 708 Bytes

Revision 55; ΔScore=303 Bytes


Full Subroutine that takes no input and outputs the Mona Lisa to the ActiveSheet object on the range [A1:DX96].

There was a lot of black magic involved in golfing this down to its current state, - of note, some of the tricks involved are pixel art prep, bit shifting colors implicit type conversion, and base64 compression compressing bytes as a String.

Sub M
t="5¼-™):󙈏"+vbTab+"»‘v¶<®Xn³"+chr(0)+"~ίšÐ‘š;$ÔÝ•óŽ¡¡EˆõW'«¡*{ú{Óx.OÒ/R)°@¯ˆ”'®ïQ*<¹çu¶àªp~ÅP>‹:<­«a°;!¾y­›/,”Ì#¥œ5*B)·7"
For p=0To 63
s=s And-4^8Or w
x=255And w
y=255And w/2^8-.5
For l=1To(64-p)*32
c=s And-2^31
z=2^30And s
s=(1073741823And s)*2
s=IIf(z,s Or-2^31,s)And-1
If c Then:s=79764919Xor s:d=255And s
d=130And d
y=IIf(d,IIf(d=128,y-1And j,y),y+1And j)
x=IIf(d=2,x+1And j,IIf(d=130,x-1And j,x))
Cells(y+1,x+1).Interior.Color=Array(9036543,4562665,23205,0)(3And p)*-(y\96+x\128=0)
Next l,p
End Sub

Note: This solution has been restricted to 32-Bit versions of Excel VBA as ^ is the LongLong type literal in 64-Bit versions

Note, the second: a second " is added to the end of line 4 to ensure syntax highlighting is correctly handled, this is not included in the byte count


Gif showing ouput to the ActiveSheet when M is called in the VBE immediate window. Note that due to file size limitations this fig gif has fewer frames than actually produced. Mona


Ungolfed full subroutine that takes no input and produces the mona lisa using the method described above on the ActiveSheet object

Option Private Module
Option Compare Text
Option Explicit
Option Base 0

Public Sub MonaLisa()
    On Error GoTo 0

    Dim part As Integer, _
        length As Integer, _
        M As Long, _
        seed As Long, _
        dir As Long, _
        word As Long, _
        carry As Long, _
        bx As Byte, _
        by As Byte, _
        BRUSH, _

    Let COLOR = Array(&H89E2FF, &H459EE9, &H5AA5, 0)
    Let BRUSH = Array( _
            778, 14270, 12187, 1835, 3644, 62875, 35473, 6923, _
            3773, 37752, 47166, 45146, 28853, 640, 53425, 40146, _
            8339, 8348, 15633, 9942, 57113, 38901, 37027, 41799, _
            35575, 2137, 10669, 41772, 32252, 3453, 54650, 12369, _
            54321, 21547, 45634, 45332, 35478, 10516, 45297, 21292, _
            1043, 2569, 16059, 59670, 6263, 47330, 44146, 32967, _
            21056, 36156, 16047, 44387, 7700, 45629, 9103, 49275, _
            44957, 12590, 38606, 9639, 40503, 11332, 11193, 8505)

    Let dir = 0
    Let carry = 0
    Let seed = &H7EC80000

    Let Cells.Interior.Color = 0
    Let Cells.ColumnWidth = 2
    Call Range("A1:DX96").Select
    Let ActiveWindow.Zoom = True
    Call Range("A1").Select

    For part = 0 To 63 Step 1

        Call VBA.DoEvents

        Let word = BRUSH(part)
        Let seed = (seed And &HFFFF0000) Or word

        Let bx = word And 255
        Let by = Int(word / (2 ^ 8)) And 255

        For length = 0 To (64 - part) * 32 - 1 Step 1

            Let carry = seed And &H80000000
            Let M = seed And &H40000000
            Let seed = (seed And &H3FFFFFFF) * 2
            If M <> 0 Then Let seed = seed Or &H80000000

            Let seed = seed And &HFFFFFFFF

            If carry Then
                Let seed = seed Xor 79764919
                Let dir = Int(seed And 255)
            End If

            Select Case dir And 130
                Case 0:   Let by = Int(by + 1) And 127
                Case 2:   Let bx = Int(bx + 1) And 127
                Case 128: Let by = Int(by - 1) And 127
                Case 130: Let bx = Int(bx - 1) And 127
            End Select

            If bx<128 And by<96 Then
                Let Cells(by + 1, bx + 1).Interior.Color = COLOR(part And 3)
            End If
        Next length
    Next part
End Sub

8086 Assembly - NASM (MBR) - 248 245 bytes

[org 0x7C00]
[bits 16]
    push 0xA000
    pop es
    mov si, $brush
    xor cx, cx

    mov ax, 0x0013
    int 0x10

    mov ebx, 0x7EC80000

    mov bx, ax
    mov bp, 64
    sub bp, cx
    shl bp, 5
    mov sp, bp
    shl ebx, 1
    jnc not_carry
    xor ebx, 0x04C11DB7
    mov dh, bl

    and dh, 0x82
    je dir_00
    jpe dir_82
    js dir_80
        inc al  
        jmp dir_end
        dec al
        jmp dir_end
        inc ah
        jmp dir_end 
        dec ah  
    and ax, 0x7F7F
    cmp ah, 96
    jae skip

    movzx di, ah
    movzx bp, al
    imul di, 320
    add di, bp
    mov bp, cx
    and bp, 3
    mov dl, byte[bp + color]
    mov [es:di], dl
    dec sp
    jnz len_loop
    inc cx
    cmp cx, 64
    jl part_loop    
    jmp $
    db 0x43, 0x42, 0x06, 0x00
    dw  0x030A, 0x37BE, 0x2F9B, 0x072B, 0x0E3C, 0xF59B, 0x8A91, 0x1B0B
    dw  0x0EBD, 0x9378, 0xB83E, 0xB05A, 0x70B5, 0x0280, 0xD0B1, 0x9CD2
    dw  0x2093, 0x209C, 0x3D11, 0x26D6, 0xDF19, 0x97F5, 0x90A3, 0xA347
    dw  0x8AF7, 0x0859, 0x29AD, 0xA32C, 0x7DFC, 0x0D7D, 0xD57A, 0x3051
    dw  0xD431, 0x542B, 0xB242, 0xB114, 0x8A96, 0x2914, 0xB0F1, 0x532C
    dw  0x0413, 0x0A09, 0x3EBB, 0xE916, 0x1877, 0xB8E2, 0xAC72, 0x80C7
    dw  0x5240, 0x8D3C, 0x3EAF, 0xAD63, 0x1E14, 0xB23D, 0x238F, 0xC07B
    dw  0xAF9D, 0x312E, 0x96CE, 0x25A7, 0x9E37, 0x2C44, 0x2BB9, 0x2139

times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
DB 0x55


HTML + CSS + JavaScript (ES6), 499 bytes

  • HTML: 33 bytes
  • CSS: 17 bytes
  • JS: 678 ... 478 475 473 465 459 455 451 447 449 bytes

It's nowhere near 250 bytes, but I'll definitely settle for under 500 bytes! Huge thanks to @Arnauld and @Firefly for helping me golf this monster down.

with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x,y,1,1))(s*=2)/2>>31&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x=x+D&127:y=y+D&127
<canvas id=C width=128 height=96>

For a bigger scale, replace the CSS with the following:

canvas { background: #000; image-rendering: pixelated; zoom: 3 }

Annotated History!

I had a blast golfing Arnauld's reference code, and you can get some of that here. Enjoy!

// One pass through Closure Compiler ADVANCED mode
// Added with statement, golfed switch statement, golfed color array
// I was surprised Closure Compiler didn't touch the switch statement, like, at least convert it into a bunch of conditional statements.

// Background moved to CSS

// e<<=1 same as e*=2

// Semicolon

// Failed to golf those colors down ;-;
c=n=>btoa`Q6óÑ=ôN9@ÓM4ÓM4`.substr(n%4*6,6)  // <-- there are 2 unprintables somewhere in there
A = [0,1,2,3]
d=n=>`FFE289 E99E45 A55A00 000`.split` `[n&3]

// Let's compress that hunky array of numbers...

// And the char at n=20 became 65533 instead of 57113??

// Maybe try replacing that char with \u000? (Nope, editor doesn't like that at all)

// Okay, just check if n is 20 and make an exception.

// Also, this could work too... (how to do byte comparison properly? Not so knowledgeable about encodings)
+('0x'+btoa`Ó}ß°DØ_AÓ½ÐMÂAðuÔÐ@C÷~üÍÄN@ï@yÓo4@uô öÛOwÛOBÜ=uÛ ú]}÷±y÷@7~;ð{ÓÎ}ÛÐ}ì1BÐ>ÃÀßNuõçn6]xðzÛÝxAuç}ÓwÐ
=Ü@AÝz×ÎûÁ6.öó@»çn4ð=ÂÜ@>·ÔMxmÃÛNÁ_Cß]÷ Û;ôMûØ.8Ø}Û]ý`.substr(n*4,4))

// ES6 template string syntax, easy-peasy.

// 0x80000000 = 2147483648 = 2**31 = 1<<31
// 0x4C11DB7 = 2127036416 = 4057<<19
// 0xffff0000 = 4294901760

// Turns out individual x and y vars were better

// Reverse loop k

// Reverse loop n (wow!)
// Side effects: string is reversed, 20th character becomes 43rd character, color array is reversed, and we must add 1 to n when used in the k loop

// Everything in the for loop to eliminate "with" brackets

// Use third argument of "for"

// Iterate 65 to 1 instead of 64 to 0; removes need to add 1 with -~ at cost of increasing string length by 1
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(e=4057<<19,m=0,n=65;n--;)for(h=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,e=e&0xffff0000|h,x=h&255,y=h>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=e&1<<31,e*=2,l&&(e^=79764919,m=e&255),j=m&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++

// Rename variables to be more aligned with original names
// s = seed, d = direction, w = word
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=0,n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&0xffff0000|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++

// s&0xffff0000|w same as s>>16<<16|w (@Arnauld)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=0,n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++

// d can be initialized to 65 (@Arnauld)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++

// Much shorter way to calculate direction (@Arnauld)
// j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++
// d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++

// "&255" of "d=s&255" isn't necessary now (@Arnauld)
// s^=79764919,d=s&255
// d=s^=79764919
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(d=s^=79764919),d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++

// s>>16<<16 same as s&~65535 (@FireFly)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(d=s^=79764919),d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++

// Even shorter way to calculate direction (@FireFly)
// d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++
// D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D

// Get rid of l (@Arnauld)
// l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&
// (s*=2)/2>>31&&
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))(s*=2)/2>>31&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D

// "&255" isn't necessary y=w>>8&255 (@Arnauld)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))(s*=2)/2>>31&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D

// x and y are constrained within 255 only upon direction change, making the drawing invalid; constraining every time fixes it. (@Arnauld)
// x+=D:y+=D
// fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1)
// x=x+D&127:y=y+D&127
// fillRect(x,y,1,1)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑฼ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x,y,1,1))(s*=2)/2>>31&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x=x+D&127:y=y+D&127