libswresample in recent Ubuntu version?
Debian and Ubuntu currently use the "libav" fork of FFMPEG. This fork has a library called libavresample, that is very similar to libswresample but not compatible. Unfortunately Ubuntu 12.10 doesn't seem to include this library, either. It remains to be seen if the Debian FFMPEG maintainer will keep using that fork, or if they'll switch back to original FFMPEG that contains libswresample as well as (for full compatibility) libavresample.
Meanwhile your best bet is to remove all libav packages from your system and use FFMPEG packages from or if you want bleeding edge, build it from source.
The drawback is that some Debian software might depend on libav. Having both libraries installed on the same system, in different locations, might be possible (I even managed to use both in the same program) but it is prone to cause problems because they use identically named files and symbols.
I haven't found anything (comment, post, ...) answering this explicitly. Nor have I found such package (esp. not in the official repo). So, to answer the question: There is no such package.
My solution right now was to compile FFmpeg just manually. ./configure && make && sudo make install
mostly works. This includes libswresample. --enable-shared
was also useful, if you need that (otherwise only static libs).