Light up a Roguelike

GolfScript, 171 characters

"+\?)}??)<}+{[L~.).)1L)L.(-1L~]>2<`{[.[~\]]{1/~2$*+L*.-1%}%\;~}+L,%~}8,%%{|}*`{1$?)I@=.n=@|\.' '={;'.'}*' 'if}+I,,%''*n%n*

The input must be provided on STDIN.

The output for the examples given above is slightly different. I verified the responses by hand and think they are correct.

Example 1:

.. .L.....
..  . ....
... .. ...
...  .. ..
...   .  .
....  ..  

Example 2:

.B  #M      
.# ..   Z pq  

Example 3:

   ..........  .....
    ......... .....  
     .... .d. ...   

Ruby - 510 chars

Quite a mammoth; but it is my first ever attempt at a golf.

m=$<.read;w,s,o,p=m.index(?\n)+1,m.size,m.dup.gsub(/[^@\n]/,' '),m.index(?@);d=[-w,1-w,1,w+1,w,w-1,-1,-1-w];0.upto(7){|i|x=d[i];[i-1,i+1].each{|j|y=d[j%8];[1,nil].each{|l|t=0;catch(:a){loop{c,f,r=p,1,nil;catch(:b){loop{(l||r)&&(1.upto(t){|u|c+=x;n=!(0...s).include?(c)||m[c]==?\n;n&&throw(f ?:a: :b);o[c]=m[c]==" "??.: m[c];a=m[c]=~/[#A-Z]/;a&&throw(f ?:a: :b)};f=nil);r=1;c+=y;n=!(0...s).include?(c)||m[c]==?\n;n&&throw(f ?:a: :b);o[c]=m[c]==" "??.: m[c];a=m[c]=~/[#A-Z]/;a&&throw(f ?:a: :b)}};t+=1}}}}};$><<o

Input is by file specified as argument; I assume the input file to consist of a rectangular block of characters (so, trailing spaces included), and to have a trailing newline.

This version makes extensive use of catch-throw to exit deep loops; I can possibly improve matters with bounds-checked loops instead.

Unobfuscated code:

# Read the map in
map = $<.read

# Determine its width and size
width = map.index("\n")+1
size = map.size

# Create a blank copy of the map to fill in with visible stuff
output = map.dup.gsub /[^@\n]/,' '

# Locate the player
player = map.index('@')

dirs = [
  -width,   # N
  1-width,  # NE
  1,        # E
  width+1,  # SE
  width,    # S
  width-1,  # SW
  -1,       # W
  -1-width  # NW

0.upto(7) do |i1|
  d1 = dirs[i1]
  [i1-1, i1+1].each do |i2|
    d2 = dirs[i2%8]

    # Stepping by 0,1,2... in d1, work along the line.
    # Write the cell value into the duplicate map, then break if it's
    # a "solid" character.
    # Extensive use of catch-throw lets us exit deep loops.

    # For convenience of notation, instead of having either d1 or d2
    # be magnitude 1, and always doing d1,d2,d1... - I have d2 always
    # being magnitude 1, and doing either d1,d2,d1 or d2,d1,d2...

    # Loop twice - first with d1,d2,d1... second with d2,d1,d2...
    [true,false].each do |long_first|
      step = 0

      catch(:all_done) do
        # This loop increments step each iteration, being the magnitude of d1
        loop do
          cell = player
          first = true  # True until we've done the first d1
          later = false # True once we've done the first d2

          catch(:done) do
            # This loop repeatedly applies d1 and d2
            loop do
              if long_first || later  # Don't apply d1 first if starting with d2
                1.upto(step) do |dd1|
                  cell += d1 # Move one cell in d1
                  invalid = !(0...size).include?(cell) || map[cell]=="\n" # Out of range
                  throw :all_done if first && invalid # No point trying a longer step if the
                                                      # first application of d1 is out of range
                  throw :done if invalid # No point continuing with this step length

                  output[cell]=map[cell] == " " ? '.' : map[cell] # Transfer visble character
                  wall = map[cell]=~/[#A-Z]/  # Hit a wall?
                  throw :all_done if first && wall # Drop out as before
                  throw :done if wall
                first = false

              # Now repeat above for the single d2 step
              cell += d2
              invalid = !(0...size).include?(cell) || map[cell]=="\n"
              throw :all_done if first && invalid
              throw :done if invalid
              output[cell]=map[cell] == " " ? '.' : map[cell]
              wall = map[cell]=~/[#A-Z]/
              throw :all_done if first && wall
              throw :done if wall
          step += 1

puts output


Ilmari Karonen notes in the question comments that the given vision algorithm doesn't see all squares, even when there's no obstacle. Here's a demonstration of that, out to (40,40) away from the player.

............ ...........................
..............  ........................
............ ...   ..... ...............
.............. ...    .....  ...........
...............  ...     .....   .......
.................  ...      .....    ...
..................   ...       .....
..... . ............   ...        .....
.....................    ...         ...
...... . ..............    ...
...... .. ..............     ...
....... . ................     ...
....... .. ............. ..      ...
.......  .  .................      ...
........ .. ............... ..       ...
........  .  ............... ...       .
........  ..  ................ ..
.........  .  ................. ...
.........  ..  .................  ..
....... .   .   . ................ ...
..........  ..  ...................  ..
..........   .   ...................  ..
........ .   ..   . ..................
........ ..   .   .. ..................
...........   ..   .....................
......... .    .    . ..................
......... ..   ..   .. .................
......... ..    .    .. ................
.......... .    ..    . ................
.......... ..    .    .. ...............
.......... ..    ..    .. ..............
..........  .     .     .  .............
........... ..    ..    .. .............
........... ..     .     .. ............
...........  .     ..     .  ...........


Code Golf