Linearly change the step size in a table

g1 = Prepend[Accumulate@Range[5], 0]
(* {0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15} *)

g2 = Prepend[Accumulate@Reverse@Range[5], 0]
(* {0, 5, 9, 12, 14, 15} *)

Join @@ MapIndexed[{First[#2], #1, 0} &,
   Subdivide[g1, g2, 5],
   ] // ListPointPlot3D

enter image description here

MasterMesh =
  Flatten[Table[{1.7^x, 1.7^y, 0},
    {x, 1, 2, .1},
    {y, 1, 2, .1}], 1];

You can change n and range

n = 5
range = .5
d = 2 range/n
x = FoldList[# + 1/(n*(n + 1)/2)*#2*2 range &, -range, Range@n];
h = Table[{x[[i]], j, 0}, {i, n + 1}, {j, -range, range, d}];
g = Table[Diagonal@Table[{i, k, 0}, {i, x[[j]], -x[[-j]], 
  Abs[x[[j]] + x[[-j]]]/(n + 1)}, {k, -range, range, d}], {j, 2, n}];
ListPointPlot3D[Join[{h[[1]]}, g, {h[[n + 1]]}],PlotStyle -> PointSize[Large]]    

enter image description here

n=12 and range=2     

enter image description here