Linq - Grouping by date and selecting count

You can do it easily:

yourDateList.GroupBy(i => i.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
             .Select(i => new
                 Date = DateTime.ParseExact(i.Key, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None),
                 Count = i.Count()

You do not need the second TruncateTime in there:

    .Where((x.LastLogIn  >= lastWeek) && (x.LastLogIn <= DateTime.Now))
    .GroupBy(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.LastLogIn))
    .Select(x => new
        Value = x.Count(),
        // Replace the commented line
        //Day = (DateTime)DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.Key)
        // ...with this line
        Day = (DateTime)x.Key

The GroupBy has truncated the time from the DateTime already, so you do not need to call it again.

To use DbFunctions.TruncateTime you'll need to reference the assembly System.Data.Entity and include using System.Data.Entity;

Note: Edited to address deprecation of EntityFunctions.

Try this:

 .GroupBy(x => new {Year = x.LastLogIn.Year, Month = x.LastLogIn.Month, Day = x.LastLogIn.Day)
                .Select(x => new
                    Value = x.Count(),
                    Year = x.Key.Year,
                    Month = x.Key.Month,
                    Day = x.Key.Day

I came across this same problem to get a count based on group by a datetime column. This is what i did. Thanks for some of the answers here. I tried the minimal version and I used this code in .netcore solution.

var result = _context.yourdbmodel
              .select(x=> new 
                Count = x.Count(),
                Date = (DateTime)x.Key // or x.Key.Date (excluding time info) or x.Key.Date.ToString() (give only Date in string format) 

Sample output:

[ { "requestDate": "2020-04-01", "requestCount": 3 }, { "requestDate": "2020-04-07", "requestCount": 14 } ]

Hope this helps someone in future.