Liquibase - insert rows with uuid
For MySQL, put your property just before changeSet tag:
<property name="u_id" value="uuid()" dbms="mysql"/>
<column name="ID" type="varchar(255)" valueComputed="${u_id}"/>
NOTE: here valueComputed
is used, not defaultValueComputed
Some databases supports UUID columns: Generate UUID values by default for each row on column of UUID type in H2 Database Engine
I don't think that Liquibase has embedded UUID generator, have a look at defaultValueComputed/valueComputed property for column ( + DB function to generate UUID
You can do this by using properties that are defined depending on the current DBMS.
<property name="uuid_type" value="uuid" dbms="postgresql"/>
<property name="uuid_type" value="uniqueidentifier" dbms="mssql"/>
<property name="uuid_type" value="RAW(16)" dbms="oracle"/>
<property name="uuid_function" value="uid.uuid_generate_v4()" dbms="postgresql"/>
<property name="uuid_function" value="NEWID()" dbms="mssql"/>
<property name="uuid_function" value="sys_guid()" dbms="oracle"/>
Then use those properties when defining the table:
<column name="id" type="${uuid_type}" defaultValueComputed="${uuid_function}">
<constraints nullable="false" unique="true" />
Note that you need to use defaultValueComputed
, not value
If the column is defined with a default value, just leave it out in your insert statements and the database will then generate the UUID when inserting.