List CSS custom properties (CSS Variables)

One possible solution would be to parse the document.styleSheets, and then split the rules into properties/values

var allCSS = []
  .reduce(function(prev, styleSheet) {
    if (styleSheet.cssRules) {
      return prev + []
        .reduce(function(prev, cssRule) {        
          if (cssRule.selectorText == ':root') {
            var css = cssRule.cssText.split('{');
            css = css[1].replace('}','').split(';');
            for (var i = 0; i < css.length; i++) {
              var prop = css[i].split(':');
              if (prop.length == 2 && prop[0].indexOf('--') == 1) {
                console.log('Property name: ', prop[0]);
                console.log('Property value:', prop[1]);
        }, '');
  }, '');
:root {
    --bc: #fff;
    --bc-primary: #eee;
    --bc-secondary: #ddd;

Based on LGSon's answer here is something similar but using map, filter, and flat to make it easier to read line by line.

const variables = []
    .map(styleSheet => []
    .filter(cssRule => cssRule.selectorText === ':root')
    .map(cssRule => cssRule.cssText.split('{')[1].split('}')[0].trim().split(';'))
    .filter(text => text !== "")
    .map(text => text.split(':'))
    .map(parts => ({key: parts[0].trim(), value: parts[1].trim() }))

:root {
    --foo: #fff;
    --bar: #aaa